Drascombe Association

DAN Index

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AuthorArticle TitleTypeDANEdition
Luke Churchouse.. and now for something completely different23GeneralAutumn 1992
Claus Riepe 10 years Baltimore, 100 years on Fastnet Rock74GeneralSummer 2005
Stuart Roy20 knot Drascombe65TechnicalSpring 2003
Bill & Ann Woodhouse30 Years a Drifter96GeneralWinter 2010
Eric Veth 9,000 miles in a Cruiser Longboat8General
Steve EllisA bit of Philosophy74GeneralSummer 2005
Peter WallerA Broadland Drascombe97GeneralSpring 2011
Harry Davidson A Cautionary Tale33GeneralSpring 1995
Bob & Liz Jack A Coaster to the Waddenzee7General
Jonnie Taylor & Dee ReevesA Cutter Rig for a Drascombe95TechnicalAutumn 2010
Peter Duggan A Dabber goes cruising23GeneralAutumn 1992
Jens Schlaudraff A Dabber Jouney (Solent to Hamburg)79GeneralAutumn 2006
Jens Schlaudraff A Dabber Jouney (Solent to Hamburg)88GeneralWinter 2008
Jens Schlaudraff A Dabber Jouney (Solent to Hamburg)80GeneralWinter 2006
Jens Schlaudraff A Dabber Jouney (Solent to Hamburg)78GeneralSummer 2006
Stephen MaynardA Downhill Cruise in Brittany54GeneralSummer 2000
Jean Louis Grenier A Drascombe Paradise Western Norway38GeneralSummer 1996
Raymond WerganA Drascombe's Progress21GeneralSpring 1992
Jim Hopwood A Drascomber’s guide to the Solent30GeneralSummer 1994
Robin Greathead A Drifter called MOCHRAS26GeneralSummer 1993
Hoon NigelA Few Idle Thoughts70GeneralSummer 2004
Clive Shrubb A good muck boat, Grandad44GeneralWinter 1997
John BadenA Gourmet's Guide to the Solent56GeneralWinter 2000
Peter Jones A Longboat Launch39GeneralAutumn 1996
Colin BriggsA Mediterranean Lugger 67GeneralAutumn 2003
Peter BushA Mink among the Bushes35GeneralAutumn 1995
John BadenA mishap on Rutland Water28GeneralWinter 1993
Viv HillA new owner for St.Jovihill95GeneralAutumn 2010
Kate Holland A Normal Day out Sailing?83GeneralAutumn 2007
David BadenA peaceful weekend9GeneralSpring 1989
Jeremy Russell A promise fulfilled22GeneralSummer 1992
Estela BadenA sail in France24GeneralWinter 1992
Jean Louis Grenier A Scilly Dream34GeneralSummer 1995
Frank Smith A Season with a Scaffie28GeneralWinter 1993
Peter Duggan A single handed cruise to the Outer Hebrides32GeneralWinter 1994
D & S Dick A Solo Solent Sojourn36GeneralWinter 1995
John WillisA tale from the Islands39GeneralAutumn 1996
Richard WinterA tale of two islands38GeneralSummer 1996
Roger ClarkA Thames cruise39GeneralAutumn 1996
P & E Tiplady A trip around the Solent53GeneralSpring 2000
Mel Daniels A visit to the Douarnenez Festival9GeneralSpring 1989
Peter LawrenceA voyage too far35GeneralAutumn 1995
Accounts for year ending February 19887Association Accounts
Accounts for year ending February 198911Association AccountsAutumn 1989
Accounts for year ending February 199015Association AccountsAutumn 1990
Accounts for year ending February 199119Association AccountsAutumn 1991
Accounts for year ending February 199223Association AccountsAutumn 1992
Accounts for year ending February 199328Association AccountsWinter 1993
Accounts for year ending February 199432Association AccountsWinter 1994
Accounts for year ending February 199536Association AccountsWinter 1995
Accounts for year ending February 199640Association AccountsWinter 1996
Accounts for year ending February 199744Association AccountsWinter 1997
Accounts for year ending February 199848Association AccountsWinter 1998
Accounts for year ending February 199952Association AccountsWinter 1999
Accounts for year ending February 200056Association AccountsWinter 2000
Accounts for year ending February 200160Association AccountsWinter 2001
Accounts for year ending February 200264Association AccountsWinter 2002
Accounts for year ending February 200368Association AccountsWinter 2003
Accounts for year ending February 200472Association AccountsWinter 2004
Accounts for year ending February 200576Association AccountsWinter 2005
Accounts for year ending February 200681Association AccountsSpring 2007
Accounts for year ending February 200785Association AccountsSpring 2008
Accounts for year ending February 200889Association AccountsSpring 2009
Accounts for year ending February 200993Association AccountsSpring 2010
AGM 19874Minutes of Meetings
AGM 19885Minutes of Meetings
AGM 19899Minutes of MeetingsSpring 1989
AGM 199013Minutes of MeetingsSpring 1990
AGM 199117Minutes of MeetingsSpring 1991
AGM 199221Minutes of MeetingsSpring 1992
AGM 199325Minutes of MeetingsSpring 1993
AGM 199429Minutes of MeetingsSpring 1994
AGM 199533Minutes of MeetingsSpring 1995
AGM 199637Minutes of MeetingsSpring 1996
AGM 199741Minutes of MeetingsSpring 1997
AGM 199845Minutes of MeetingsSpring 1998
AGM 199949Minutes of MeetingsSpring 1999
AGM 200053Minutes of MeetingsSpring 2000
AGM 200157Minutes of MeetingsSpring 2001
AGM 200261Minutes of MeetingsSpring 2002
AGM 200365Minutes of MeetingsSpring 2003
AGM 200469Minutes of MeetingsSpring 2004
AGM 200573Minutes of MeetingsSpring 2005
AGM 200677Minutes of MeetingsSpring 2006
AGM 200781Minutes of MeetingsSpring 2007
AGM 200886Minutes of MeetingsSummer 2008
AGM 200990Minutes of MeetingsSummer 2009
AGM 201094Minutes of MeetingsSummer 2010
Luke KynastonAldernay nightmare28GeneralWinter 1993
Estela BadenAll in twenty four hours21GeneralSpring 1992
Mike Wells All on a summer's day16GeneralWinter 1990
Tim Frampton An Adventure up the Lynher79GeneralAutumn 2006
Jim BakerAn afternoon’s journey in a Longboat82GeneralSummer 2007
Jim Hopwood An Alternative View (wrt Chairman’s statement at the AGM)90GeneralSummer 2009
Tim Edmeston An Anglesey circumnavigation16GeneralWinter 1990
Des BennettAn Autumn Passage56GeneralWinter 2000
Stewart BaggsAn early visit to the Firth of Clyde31GeneralAutumn 1994
Rod ReevesAn End to the Seagull Menace95TechnicalAutumn 2010
M. & A. BrignallAn Irish Lament29GeneralSpring 1994
David & Anne AwdasAnchoring in deep water7Technical
John TrelawnyAnchoring Single Handed80TechnicalWinter 2006
Steve Schlemmer and now for something completely different42GeneralSummer 1997
Ian Dodds ANJIN's maiden voyage20GeneralWinter 1991
Richard Stroud Après South Coast Rally53GeneralSpring 2000
Ken MayfieldArdnamurchan bound17GeneralSpring 1991
Richard BickertonAssociation Members Survey21TechnicalSpring 1992
Richard BickertonAssociation Members Survey19TechnicalAutumn 1991
Peter Kersey Aunty Peg’s new clothes82GeneralSummer 2007
Udo JakelBackwash – how to minimize74TechnicalSummer 2005
Peter Bush & Richard HannifordBatten Roached Mizzen81TechnicalSpring 2007
Peter TipladyBBQ - The onboard barbecue41TechnicalSpring 1997
Jennie ClarkBecoming a Free Spirit68GeneralWinter 2003
Chris BishopBISHOPS MOVE & the Rotary Regatta32GeneralWinter 1994
Stewart BaggsBlue Sea, White Rock45GeneralSpring 1998
Denis DalyBoom – A Boom in Three Parts92TechnicalWinter 2009
Luke ChurchouseBrief History of Drascombe Building64GeneralWinter 2002
David FletcherBrightwork66TechnicalSummer 2003
Roger ClarkBristol 199641GeneralSpring 1997
Peter Gough Brittany memoir12GeneralWinter 1989
Paul SparksBuoy Hopping97GeneralSpring 2011
David Williams Buying a Dabber on E-Bay88GeneralWinter 2008
Mike Wells Bye-Bye 2-stroke80GeneralWinter 2006
Steve SchlemmerCabin Windows – replacing74TechnicalSummer 2005
Bobby Grenier, Caboteuragasaga70GeneralSummer 2004
Laurie Strange Caledonian Canal trip77GeneralSpring 2006
Jim HopwoodCameras - Getting Action Shots86TechnicalSummer 2008
Doug HopwoodCameras for Boating85TechnicalSpring 2008
Ian CrockattCapsize - A static capsize?28TechnicalWinter 1993
Capsizes & drills73TechnicalSpring 2005
Capsizes & drills58TechnicalSummer 2001
Capsizes & drills70TechnicalSummer 2004
Tim Frampton Cardigan 2000 Drascombes racing? Well, maybe56GeneralWinter 2000
Chris WoolfordCareening a Longboat74TechnicalSummer 2005
Chris WoolfordCareening a Longboat75TechnicalAutumn 2005
Karla Vass Carry on up the Douro49GeneralSpring 1999
Vic RosatiCenter-plates & leaks26TechnicalSummer 1993
Bob Heasman Chairman’s Personal Statement to the AGM90GeneralSummer 2009
Jim AsquithChart work - An aid to quick chart work53TechnicalSpring 2000
Terry BannonCharts - updating Admiralty Small Folio Charts63TechnicalAutumn 2002
Sam LlewellynCircumnavigation Isles of Scilly66GeneralSummer 2003
Steve Coulter Circumnavigation of the Isle of Man81GeneralSpring 2007
Peter Irving Cleaning a Coaster's bilges39GeneralAutumn 1996
Coaster anchoring58TechnicalSummer 2001
Coaster cabin table40TechnicalWinter 1996
Jim AsquithCoaster center-plate problem31TechnicalAutumn 1994
Coaster centreboard case34TechnicalSummer 1995
Coaster centreboard case33TechnicalSpring 1995
Coaster centreboard case32TechnicalWinter 1994
Coaster centreboard mechanism27TechnicalAutumn 1993
Coaster centreboard mechanism28TechnicalWinter 1993
Jack O’’KeeffeCoaster centreplate77TechnicalSpring 2006
Jack O’’KeeffeCoaster centreplate76TechnicalWinter 2005
Doug HopwoodCoaster centreplate strop conversion (wire to terylene)86TechnicalSummer 2008
Steve SchlemmerCoaster cockpit berth25TechnicalSpring 1993
Brian StoveyCoaster electrics53TechnicalSpring 2000
John TrelawnyCoaster engine sizes (2 & 8 hp)88TechnicalWinter 2008
Doug HopwoodCoaster fitting out (Appuskidoo)78TechnicalSummer 2006
Doug HopwoodCoaster fitting out (Appuskidoo)77TechnicalSpring 2006
Coaster gunter roach mainsail47TechnicalAutumn 1998
Jim McSheenyCoaster hatch - Alternative51TechnicalAutumn 1999
Coaster hints23TechnicalAutumn 1992
Coaster instruments57TechnicalSpring 2001
Paul McKayCoaster reefing main72TechnicalWinter 2004
Coaster safety harness fastening45TechnicalSpring 1998
Coaster stowing36TechnicalWinter 1995
Jack O’’KeeffeCoaster – capsize of Superbop81TechnicalSpring 2007
Charles WiloughbyCoaster – Upside-down Coaster, a cautionary tale91TechnicalAutumn 2009
Jim HopwoodCoasting Barge Master95Book ReviewAutumn 2010
Peter TipladyCockpit Tents72TechnicalWinter 2004
Cold Shock – reprinted from the RNLI Offshore magazine91TechnicalAutumn 2009
Pete BaxterCombined Operations53GeneralSpring 2000
Robin Rew Comments on using a Drascombe6General
Committee Minutes93Minutes of MeetingsSpring 2010
Committee Minutes96Minutes of MeetingsWinter 2010
variousConfessions -88TechnicalWinter 2008
variousConfessions -87TechnicalAutumn 2008
Richard Jacobs Confessions of a proud man80GeneralWinter 2006
Doug Hopwood Cornwall with the Camping Club Boating Group3General
Mike HallCradle Boat38TechnicalSummer 1996
H Vandersmissen Cross Channel (Den Helder – Lowestoft) 73GeneralSpring 2005
Jean Louis Grenier Crossing the Channel in a Lugger26GeneralSummer 1993
Bill RaeCruiser Longboat refurbishment - Lovely LASINA23TechnicalAutumn 1992
Bill RaeCruiser Longboat refurbishment - Lovely LASINA27TechnicalAutumn 1993
Bill RaeCruiser Longboat refurbishment - Lovely LASINA25TechnicalSpring 1993
Paul SmithCruiser Longboat tabernacle54TechnicalSummer 2000
Peter DugganDabber - self contained27TechnicalAutumn 1993
Jeff CurtisDabber boom32TechnicalWinter 1994
Dabber bowsprit chocks70TechnicalSummer 2004
Trevor HarveyDabber buoyancy improvement78TechnicalSummer 2006
Dabber capsizes20TechnicalWinter 1991
Dabber capsizes71TechnicalAutumn 2004
Dabber capsizes18TechnicalSummer 1991
Dabber engine, John Hooton66TechnicalSummer 2003
John HootonDabber Heaving to & Heavy weather helm64TechnicalWinter 2002
Bob GillinghamDabber ideas20TechnicalWinter 1991
Steve Shone & Stewart BrownDabber modifications75TechnicalAutumn 2005
Steve Shone & Stewart BrownDabber modifications63TechnicalAutumn 2002
Steve Shone & Stewart BrownDabber modifications76TechnicalWinter 2005
Dabber recovery on to trailer44TechnicalWinter 1997
John HootonDabber reefing63TechnicalAutumn 2002
Dabber roller reefing55TechnicalAutumn 2000
Dabber rudder57TechnicalSpring 2001
Clive CannonDabber rudder modifications50TechnicalSummer 1999
Dabber simple comfort tips for the laid back owner83TechnicalAutumn 2007
Richard DykesDabber tent71TechnicalAutumn 2004
Geoff TrowbridgeDabber – Security & Dabbling with79TechnicalAutumn 2006
Geoff TrowbridgeDabber – Security & Dabbling with81TechnicalSpring 2007
Geoff TrowbridgeDabber – Security & Dabbling with80TechnicalWinter 2006
John Hubbard Dabbling about in a Dabber43GeneralAutumn 1997
Dominic Jarman Dabbling too45GeneralSpring 1998
Tom Ward DABCHICK's double13GeneralSpring 1990
H VandersmissenDaddy sees them fly41GeneralSpring 1997
Shaun Trewinnard Daily Awash News60GeneralWinter 2001
Jim Hopwood DAN 50 not out50GeneralSummer 1999
Julian Trimming Danish Blue40GeneralWinter 1996
Tim LodgeDA’’s Website - A Beginners Guide69TechnicalSpring 2004
Tom Colville De Papagaai stok versus de Koninklijke Marine73GeneralSpring 2005
Raymond WerganDid Drake sail a Drascombe?30GeneralSummer 1994
Nigel OrrDoon the watter wi’ the oars18GeneralSummer 1991
Eden Fowler Douarnenez, France Biannual 65GeneralSpring 2003
Persephone LewinDown & Up46GeneralSummer 1998
Jeremy Russell Down the Thames Under Sail & Oar (3 part serial)67GeneralAutumn 2003
Jeremy Russell Down the Thames Under Sail & Oar (3 part serial)66GeneralSummer 2003
Jeremy Russell Down the Thames Under Sail & Oar (3 part serial)65GeneralSpring 2003
Derek LeeDrascombe Charities72GeneralWinter 2004
Nicola Buss Drascombe Charities (MOB – Bewl)71GeneralAutumn 2004
Brian Thake Drascombe Charities (Sailability – Northampton)70GeneralSummer 2004
Tony Tuxhill Drascombe Dipper OUSEL30GeneralSummer 1994
Paul Heiney Drascombe Lugger – The Perfect Film Star59GeneralAutumn 2001
Raymond WerganDrascombe Ornithology40GeneralWinter 1996
Stephen MaynardDrascombe Round Britain94Book ReviewSummer 2010
Jim Hopwood Drascombe Round Britain78GeneralSummer 2006
Andrei Fedorov Drascomber Round Cape Horn91GeneralAutumn 2009
Martin RandallDrascombes "cross the Mersey"48GeneralWinter 1998
Clive Marsh Drascombes & Rye Bay, Susse70GeneralSummer 2004
David & family Jones Drascombes don't capsize, do they?57GeneralSpring 2001
Bernie BruenDraskies in Oman46GeneralSummer 1998
Bernie BruenDraskies in Oman46GeneralSummer 1998
Alastair DuthieDrifter "Tanera Mor" Modifications73TechnicalSpring 2005
John WillisDrifter - Restoring SEAWEED36TechnicalWinter 1995
Peter TipladyDrifter cockpit locker59TechnicalAutumn 2001
Drifter foredeck cleat/bowsprit26TechnicalSummer 1993
John WillisDrifter modifications43TechnicalAutumn 1997
Drifter modifications & rowing, Bill Woodhouse66TechnicalSummer 2003
Wilf MonteithDrifter outboard prop fouls rudder30TechnicalSummer 1994
Steve SchlemmerDrifter transom bolts replacement75TechnicalAutumn 2005
Geoff YatesDrifting along (hull restoration)45TechnicalSpring 1998
John WillisDrifting to Jersey48GeneralWinter 1998
Chris WoolfordDubai, Dublin or Anywhere54GeneralSummer 2000
H Vandersmissen Dutch & English Beach Boats63GeneralAutumn 2002
J M. & J de Jonge Dutch Drascombes in Scotland56GeneralWinter 2000
Steve Schlemmer East Coaster weekend14GeneralSummer 1990
Steve Schlemmer EGERIA Cruiser Driver33GeneralSpring 1995
Electrics in open boats17TechnicalSpring 1991
Electrics in open boats18TechnicalSummer 1991
Electrics in open boats54TechnicalSummer 2000
Electrics in open boats84TechnicalWinter 2007
Equipment Review61TechnicalSpring 2002
Equipment Review: Lifejackets & Buoyancy Aids62TechnicalSummer 2002
Frank San Miguel Everything would have been O.K.48GeneralWinter 1998
Alan Coy Falklands Drifter 198775GeneralAutumn 2005
Suzy GodlingtonFalmouth Haven97Book ReviewSpring 2011
Edward Hiller First Days at Sea 29GeneralSpring 1994
Richard Stroud First rally of 1998?48GeneralWinter 1998
Jeremy RussellFirst Sail of the Season94GeneralSummer 2010
Jim AsquithFirst time with LASS OF ONICH18GeneralSummer 1991
Fond Memories - Tumult94GeneralSummer 2010
Suzy GodlingtonForum – Accessing the Drascombe Forum92TechnicalWinter 2009
Chris GilsenanFreak Winds & Lessons Learnt71TechnicalAutumn 2004
Gordon Esler From Jeddah to Ardmair52GeneralWinter 1999
Amy Hinsley From Lugger to Longboat Cruiser38GeneralSummer 1996
Peter MoodyFrom the River Fowey to the Helford62GeneralSummer 2002
Richard Stroud Further Adventures of Tubby Too61GeneralSpring 2002
Gaff Jaws64TechnicalWinter 2002
Veronica Ferguson Galley Page – Chocoalte, Apple & Oatmeal cake79GeneralAutumn 2006
Kay CleggGalley Recipes75GeneralAutumn 2005
Martin RandallGelcoat, don’’t give up52TechnicalWinter 1999
Martin RandallGelcoat, don’’t let it get you down26TechnicalSummer 1993
Jeremy Russell GLADSOME MIND – going well60GeneralWinter 2001
Robert Henshall Golden Days around Ireland77GeneralSpring 2006
Adrian KnellerGrab rail /Ladder /Tent arch75TechnicalAutumn 2005
Joan Swindells Guillemot - The Lugger that crossed the Atlantic (in a container)79GeneralAutumn 2006
Udo JakelGunter rig – how to improve74TechnicalSummer 2005
Dee & Jonnie Taylor Guy Holford 1917-200472GeneralWinter 2004
Vic RosatiH.I.N - can you read H.I.N?22TechnicalSummer 1992
Antoine Maartens Hans Vandermissen – in memoriam92GeneralWinter 2009
Chris Whatleyhard aground on Great Bull Island79GeneralAutumn 2006
Hans VandermissenHeavy Weather Tactics72TechnicalWinter 2004
Chris Sollheim-Allen Hello from Norway83GeneralAutumn 2007
Graham WhitelandHilarity & Soapsuds19GeneralAutumn 1991
Doug SindenHints & Tips collated7Technical
Chris Sollheim-Allen Hope Bay in the Wild West93GeneralSpring 2010
Jeremy ChurchouseHow Evinrude screwed up my rally11GeneralAutumn 1989
Dick BellHow I went to the East Coast rally8General
Peter Rhodes I am New to Sailing82GeneralSummer 2007
Peter TipladyICC (International Certificate of Competence)84TechnicalWinter 2007
Jim Hopwood If it stays like this we'll be OK50GeneralSummer 1999
Chris WoolfordIn Dubai52GeneralWinter 1999
Jean Louis Grenier In the President's playground51GeneralAutumn 1999
John PilkingtonInishmurray44GeneralWinter 1997
Luke KynastonInshore rescue41GeneralSpring 1997
Bob JackInsurance & Leaks survey25TechnicalSpring 1993
Malcolm KnottInsurance matters28TechnicalWinter 1993
Malcolm KnottInsurance matters37TechnicalSpring 1996
Malcolm KnottInsurance matters27TechnicalAutumn 1993
Peter Tiplady International Certificate of Competence (ICC)75GeneralAutumn 2005
Philip BeattieIreland to Islay64GeneralWinter 2002
Jack O'KeeffeIrish Sailing Association News94GeneralSummer 2010
Mike Wells Is there life after Drascombe?45GeneralSpring 1998
Chris BishopIt Happened to Me (engine failure and rescue)93GeneralSpring 2010
John BadenJacket - Baden Jacket49TechnicalSpring 1999
Luke ChurchouseJean-Louis Grenier61GeneralSpring 2002
Nick PooleJersey to Gibraltar94Rally & Cruise ReportsSummer 2010
Doug Hopwood Jib booms and bobstays!22GeneralSummer 1992
John Baden - Obituiary95GeneralAutumn 2010
Luke ChurchouseJohn Watkinson A Reflection45GeneralSpring 1998
Tony PurnellJUGGLER28GeneralWinter 1993
Jack O’KeeffeKeep the Flag Flying Free81GeneralSpring 2007
Jack O’KeeffeLady Helen (Lugger) tragedy83GeneralAutumn 2007
Richard Craven & Dick HannafordLarger Sails76TechnicalWinter 2005
Jack O’KeeffeLatvia: Sailing Diary65GeneralSpring 2003
Jack O’KeeffeLatvia: Sailing Diary64GeneralWinter 2002
Martin BrignallLaunching & recovery from an open beach22TechnicalSummer 1992
Steve RobinsonLaunching (beach) on the Holderness coast41TechnicalSpring 1997
Dick Tuson Launching the Drascombe39GeneralAutumn 1996
Brian Stovey Learning by experience27GeneralAutumn 1993
Richard Jacobs Learning on a Drascombe Rally68GeneralWinter 2003
Greg BlanchetteLeave Home without It35GeneralAutumn 1995
David Sutton Letter from the Persian Gulf18GeneralSummer 1991
John Watkinson Letter from the President27GeneralAutumn 1993
John WillisLife's never easy24GeneralWinter 1992
Lizard - if you are short on cleats, John Trelawny68TechnicalWinter 2003
Vicky Thomas Log of the Drascombe rally at Dale in 198810GeneralSummer 1989
Steve Schlemmer Log of the good ship EVGENIA22GeneralSummer 1992
Douglas HopwoodLongboat Cruiser Improvements94TechnicalSummer 2010
Longboat Flying jib21TechnicalSpring 1992
Longboat Flying jib20TechnicalWinter 1991
Longboat Flying jib19TechnicalAutumn 1991
Colin HeavisideLongboat Modifications66TechnicalSummer 2003
Longboat swamp test57TechnicalSpring 2001
Andrew Snowball Longboat through the Alps (trailing to Greece)90GeneralSummer 2009
Robert PrestonLongboat, Is she under canvassed?37TechnicalSpring 1996
John WillisLooking for SEAWEED17GeneralSpring 1991
Jon Sims Loosefooted and fancy free11GeneralAutumn 1989
John BadenLugger additional items10TechnicalSummer 1989
Ken Simmons, Kathy Boston & John PilkingtonLugger Boarding56TechnicalWinter 2000
Lugger boarding Ladder62TechnicalSummer 2002
Lugger boom88TechnicalWinter 2008
Lugger bowsprit37TechnicalSpring 1996
Lugger Building a Wooden Lugger62TechnicalSummer 2002
Lugger center-board case mounted bilge pumps34TechnicalSummer 1995
Lugger center-board tackle modification16TechnicalWinter 1990
Alan ChildLugger center-plate refurbishment93TechnicalSpring 2010
Jean Louis GrenierLugger cruising tent33TechnicalSpring 1995
John HarrisonLugger Deadeyes33TechnicalSpring 1995
Ian SteenLugger depth log [fitting]65TechnicalSpring 2003
Lugger Economical tent68TechnicalWinter 2003
Lugger gadgets & gismos37TechnicalSpring 1996
Clive ShrubbLugger Ideas51TechnicalAutumn 1999
Lugger jib furling36TechnicalWinter 1995
Lugger jib furling37TechnicalSpring 1996
Lugger lay-up covers28TechnicalWinter 1993
Lugger lay-up covers43TechnicalAutumn 1997
Anthony SterckxLugger Lights17TechnicalSpring 1991
Lugger mast lowering43TechnicalAutumn 1997
Jean Louis GrenierLugger modifications31TechnicalAutumn 1994
Jean Louis GrenierLugger mooring stowage box34TechnicalSummer 1995
John BadenLugger Navigating6Technical
Lugger oar and anchor warp stowage (early boats)28TechnicalWinter 1993
Guy WatsonLugger pick up a rudder54TechnicalSummer 2000
John PilkingtonLugger quick release tiller45TechnicalSpring 1998
Alan HalsteadLugger renovation, Some notes23TechnicalAutumn 1992
Lugger sheeting4Technical
Lugger tent18TechnicalSummer 1991
Philip EvansLugger tips,71TechnicalAutumn 2004
Douglas HopwoodLugger tips, ‘‘It Worked for Me’’67TechnicalAutumn 2003
Douglas HopwoodLugger tips, ‘‘It Worked for Me’’68TechnicalWinter 2003
Douglas HopwoodLugger tips, ‘‘It Worked for Me’’77TechnicalSpring 2006
Douglas HopwoodLugger tips, ‘‘It Worked for Me’’69TechnicalSpring 2004
Douglas HopwoodLugger tips, ‘‘It Worked for Me’’70TechnicalSummer 2004
Douglas HopwoodLugger tips, ‘‘It Worked for Me’’65TechnicalSpring 2003
Douglas HopwoodLugger tips, ‘‘It Worked for Me’’66TechnicalSummer 2003
Jean Louis GrenierLugger, Yes, my Lugger floats37TechnicalSpring 1996
H Vandersmissen Luke’s cumulus nimbus piercing60GeneralWinter 2001
Alan ChildLympstone & the Exe Estuary65GeneralSpring 2003
Mackerel Boat94GeneralSummer 2010
Stewart BrownMain Sheet Arrangements73TechnicalSpring 2005
Mainsheet horse stops34TechnicalSummer 1995
John TrelawnyMainsheet Traveller79TechnicalAutumn 2006
Peter Irving Make your launch memorable35GeneralAutumn 1995
Doug ElliotMaking a wooden cleat96TechnicalWinter 2010
Doug ElliotMaking Masts and Spars95TechnicalAutumn 2010
John GingellMarchwood Rally 201095Rally & Cruise ReportsAutumn 2010
Chris Evans Mariners of Bewl32GeneralWinter 1994
Hugh Davies Maybe the Thames is for you12GeneralWinter 1989
Brian ParkMeandering to Rathmullen92GeneralWinter 2009
Elizabeth Wade-Brown Members Survey Results, May 200991GeneralAutumn 2009
Peter Tooth Memories75GeneralAutumn 2005
Emma Tiplady Memories of the earlier days of the Drascombe Association89GeneralSpring 2009
Tim LodgeMessing About on the River Thames67GeneralAutumn 2003
Mizzen mast anchorage36TechnicalWinter 1995
John TrelawnyMizzen spoiler,68TechnicalWinter 2003
Richard Hanniford of R&J SailsModern Sailcoth – an explanation,85TechnicalSpring 2008
Harry BruceMOONSHADOW14GeneralSummer 1990
D & P LewinMOONSTONE VI & the 1990 East Coast Old Gaffers15GeneralAutumn 1990
Chris HillMore Swallow Tales94GeneralSummer 2010
Raymond WerganMost far out Drascombe in the British Isles25GeneralSpring 1993
Jim Shaw Moving on or so I thought!44GeneralWinter 1997
Chris WoolfordMuck up the Slot57GeneralSpring 2001
Dave FullerMusings from across the Pond49TechnicalSpring 1999
Estela BadenMy first cruise18GeneralSummer 1991
Steve Schlemmer My last Centreboard82GeneralSummer 2007
Jenny YatesMy Scottish voyage44GeneralWinter 1997
Navigation lights12TechnicalWinter 1989
Graeme LeighNew Year's Day sail44GeneralWinter 1997
Mike Robertson North, South, East, West25GeneralSpring 1993
Rowland WhiteheadNorway for Drascombes57GeneralSpring 2001
Jim Hopwood Not quite a cruise but11GeneralAutumn 1989
Chris Evans of SNAVE & J.L.W. and other Drascombey things54GeneralSummer 2000
Jim Hopwood On getting to places other boats can't get9GeneralSpring 1989
John BadenOut to the Islands12GeneralWinter 1989
Outboard Checklist, Marilyn Bannon66TechnicalSummer 2003
Outboards & trailing2Technical
Outboards – Owner’’s Servicing Guide61TechnicalSpring 2002
Ken Duxbury Painting Offer84GeneralWinter 2007
Steve SchlemmerPassage Planning check list58TechnicalSummer 2001
Jim Hopwood Pembroke cruise4General
John Davis Perfect Purbeck87GeneralAutumn 2008
Jim HopwoodPerformance, Improving performance47TechnicalAutumn 1998
Peter HowardPeterboat, Building8Technical
Luke ChurchousePirates & Predator31GeneralAutumn 1994
John WillisPirates of Avoch20GeneralWinter 1991
Jeremy Snodgrass Playing with the Big Boys42GeneralSummer 1997
Graham WhitelandPlucked from the icy depths43GeneralAutumn 1997
John Trelawny Plus Ca Change40GeneralWinter 1996
Poole Harbour 1991 20Rally & Cruise ReportsWinter 1991
Poole Harbour 1992 25Rally & Cruise ReportsSpring 1993
Poole Harbour 1993 28Rally & Cruise ReportsWinter 1993
Poole Harbour 1997 44Rally & Cruise ReportsWinter 1997
Poole Harbour 2000 56Rally & Cruise ReportsWinter 2000
Poole Harbour 2003 66Rally & Cruise ReportsSummer 2003
Portsoy 2003 70Rally & Cruise ReportsSummer 2004
Portsoy 2006 80Rally & Cruise ReportsWinter 2006
H Vandersmissen PRIDE OF THE FLEET61GeneralSpring 2002
H Vandersmissen Pride’s Delivery Voyage64GeneralWinter 2002
Tom Colville Pushing the Envelope 77GeneralSpring 2006
Stephen MaynardRadar Reflectors - Reflections on being seen44TechnicalWinter 1997
Jim HopwoodRallies everything you wanted to know14TechnicalSummer 1990
Jim HopwoodRallies everything you wanted to know61TechnicalSpring 2002
Robin Rew Random thoughts23GeneralAutumn 1992
Roger ClarkReading to Bristol on the K & A39GeneralAutumn 1996
Ron WallworkRecreational Craft Directive47TechnicalAutumn 1998
Richard McAndrewRed Sea sailing 46GeneralSummer 1998
Paul McKayReefing mainsails72TechnicalWinter 2004
Frank San MiguelReefing, Some thoughts60TechnicalWinter 2001
John Harman Reminiscences42GeneralSummer 1997
Tim PettigrewReplace a Lugger Mast Band96TechnicalWinter 2010
Tim PettigrewReplacing the Cast Iron Rudder Guides97TechnicalSpring 2011
Guy & Yvonne Levene Rise and Fall of a Falklands Drifter87GeneralAutumn 2008
Stephen Maynard River Arun92Rally & Cruise ReportsWinter 2009
Mick Wells River Deben68GeneralWinter 2003
Lynne BarnesRiver Drascombes97GeneralSpring 2011
John Hooton Roaring Water Bay, Ireland65GeneralSpring 2003
Persephone LewinRock a Bye Baby on the Sea Top43GeneralAutumn 1997
Nigel OrrRound Orkney with the tide24GeneralWinter 1992
Roy BennettRudder block71TechnicalAutumn 2004
Bob HeasmanRudder Recovery44TechnicalWinter 1997
Rudders - Bent34TechnicalSummer 1995
Rudders - Bent33TechnicalSpring 1995
Rudders - Bent45TechnicalSpring 1998
Peter TipladyRule of the Road37TechnicalSpring 1996
Jonathan Tolson Running away to seed50GeneralSummer 1999
Rutland Water 1991 20Rally & Cruise ReportsWinter 1991
Rutland Water 1992 24Rally & Cruise ReportsWinter 1992
Rutland Water 1994 33Rally & Cruise ReportsSpring 1995
Rutland Water 1996 41Rally & Cruise ReportsSpring 1997
RYA advice on Distress Signals95TechnicalAutumn 2010
AnonS Cornwall Marine Hat Dance81GeneralSpring 2007
Peter TipladySafety - Boat Safety57TechnicalSpring 2001
Jean Louis GrenierSafety Ladders & Drascombe legs (for Caboteur)85TechnicalSpring 2008
Mick WellsSafety Products71TechnicalAutumn 2004
Mick WellsSafety Products70TechnicalSummer 2004
Sail Caledonia 2003 67Rally & Cruise ReportsAutumn 2003
Sail Caledonia 2006 82Rally & Cruise ReportsSummer 2007
Dick Tuson Sail Training – 2002 RYA Scheme61GeneralSpring 2002
Sail Training: Sea Survival RYA/DoT62TechnicalSummer 2002
Jim Hopwood Sailing for the Lowlands Low or HIPPO in Nederland55GeneralAutumn 2000
Sailing with a Seagull95GeneralAutumn 2010
Chris BeesonSailing with Gaffers95Rally & Cruise ReportsAutumn 2010
Salcombe 1991 19Rally & Cruise ReportsAutumn 1991
John Rogers SALTY DOG Blue Water28GeneralWinter 1993
John Rogers SALTY DOG's Gale13GeneralSpring 1990
Raymond WerganSandbar (Newton Ferrars)82GeneralSummer 2007
Alastair DuthieScaffie small is beautiful50TechnicalSummer 1999
Steve EllisScaffie Junk Rigged69TechnicalSpring 2004
Scaffie Mods for Senior Sailors83TechnicalAutumn 2007
Eden FowlerScaffie Resurrection71TechnicalAutumn 2004
Scaffie ‘‘add ons’’46TechnicalSummer 1998
Tony SmithScaffie – easier sail handling90TechnicalSummer 2009
Robin BairdScaffies in Ireland30GeneralSummer 1994
B&S BurroughsScotland to the Costa Brava & back53GeneralSpring 2000
Scottish Rallies 1999 53Rally & Cruise ReportsSpring 2000
Scottish Rallies 2002 64Rally & Cruise ReportsWinter 2002
Scottish Rallies 2003 68Rally & Cruise ReportsWinter 2003
Jack O’’KeeffeSculls, Rps and Yulohs (single oar propulsion)91TechnicalAutumn 2009
Claudia LewisSea of Cortez 201096GeneralWinter 2010
Peter Irving Secrets of a Drascombe Owner36GeneralWinter 1995
Security67TechnicalAutumn 2003
Self steering47TechnicalAutumn 1998
Self steering45TechnicalSpring 1998
Self steering44TechnicalWinter 1997
John AtwillSHASA A boat for Seventies33GeneralSpring 1995
John & Jane Holt Skiff SKIPPER'S outings in 199849GeneralSpring 1999
various membersSleeping aboard26TechnicalSummer 1993
Mick WellsSolar Panels64TechnicalWinter 2002
Solas V, Marilyn Bannon66TechnicalSummer 2003
Solent Cruise 2000 55Rally & Cruise ReportsAutumn 2000
Solent Cruise 2001 59Rally & Cruise ReportsAutumn 2001
Solent Cruise 2002 63Rally & Cruise ReportsAutumn 2002
Solent Cruise 2004 71Rally & Cruise ReportsAutumn 2004
Geoff Trowbridge Solent Dabber Trolling for a Bass Supper78GeneralSummer 2006
Dick PizeySolent to Dart Cruise 95Rally & Cruise ReportsAutumn 2010
Steve SchlemmerSolid Fuel stove on a Drifter74TechnicalSummer 2005
Stephen MaynardSouth Coast Cruise69GeneralSpring 2004
South Coast cruise 1992 24Rally & Cruise ReportsWinter 1992
South Coast cruise 1993 27Rally & Cruise ReportsAutumn 1993
South Coast cruise 1994 31Rally & Cruise ReportsAutumn 1994
South Coast cruise 1996 39Rally & Cruise ReportsAutumn 1996
South Coast cruise 1998 47Rally & Cruise ReportsAutumn 1998
South Coast cruise 2003 70Rally & Cruise ReportsSummer 2004
South Coast cruise 2003 69Rally & Cruise ReportsSpring 2004
Bouillane, Charles deSouth of France Pictorial description89GeneralSpring 2009
Jerome BarnettSpar Catcher for a Standing Lug75TechnicalAutumn 2005
John LarminieSpinnakers for Drascombes19TechnicalAutumn 1991
John PilkingtonStaircase sailing45GeneralSpring 1998
John & Pam Swift Starting to sail (in a Scaffie)10GeneralSummer 1989
Guy MarshallStop Press (racing!)80GeneralWinter 2006
Michael Smit Strangers in a Longboat30GeneralSummer 1994
Cliona & Gordon HarveyStrangford Lough Rally95Rally & Cruise ReportsAutumn 2010
Doug Hopwood Stranraer to Strangford cruise81GeneralSpring 2007
Chris Sollheim-Allen Summer in Norway87GeneralAutumn 2008
Bob Heasman Sun Wind and Good Breakfasts – Year in Scotland68GeneralWinter 2003
David BeavenSurvival Times & PLBs85TechnicalSpring 2008
Chris Hill Swallow Tales (CLB)84GeneralWinter 2007
Richard Stroud Tales of TUBBY T0052GeneralWinter 1999
Steve SchlemmerTender - What Tender72TechnicalWinter 2004
David CamlinTent – Delta’’s Tent90TechnicalSummer 2009
Thames 2001 59Rally & Cruise ReportsAutumn 2001
Thames 1996 40Rally & Cruise ReportsWinter 1996
Thames 2004 73Rally & Cruise ReportsSpring 2005
John CobbThe 1999 Freshwater Classic50GeneralSummer 1999
AnonThe Briefing83GeneralAutumn 2007
Roger ClarkThe Caledonian Canal experience47GeneralAutumn 1998
Luke KynastonThe Christmas present40GeneralWinter 1996
Peter KnapeThe cruise of LEGOLAS9GeneralSpring 1989
Stewart BaggsThe Curious Condition of "Drascombe Dream"33GeneralSpring 1995
Peter WallerThe Demise of a Mole95GeneralAutumn 2010
Richard Stroud The Dover Lifeboat53GeneralSpring 2000
Kevin Fitzsimons The Drascombe Association website48GeneralWinter 1998
Miguel, Frank SanTHE DRASCOMBE in Mississippi56GeneralWinter 2000
Richard Jacobs The Drascombe Rally Anthem67GeneralAutumn 2003
Jurgen BraunohierThe Elusive Drascombe95GeneralAutumn 2010
Mel Daniels The fun of Brittany tides12GeneralWinter 1989
Holly BirdThe Gift of a Lugger64GeneralWinter 2002
AnonThe grating83GeneralAutumn 2007
Karla Vass The Great Glen Raid56GeneralWinter 2000
Peter Duggan The Great Scottish Drascombe Cruise38GeneralSummer 1996
Ken MayfieldThe Kilchoan experience25GeneralSpring 1993
Gavin Sprott The Last Voyage of the Gillebrighde – nearly62GeneralSummer 2002
Holford Ingrid The Law of Storms78GeneralSummer 2006
Jean Louis Grenier The Lizard & the Lugger52GeneralWinter 1999
Luke KynastonThe Loch Shiel36GeneralWinter 1995
Peter Rhodes The lugger has landed80GeneralWinter 2006
Peter Wayman The McNulty Owners47GeneralAutumn 1998
Tim Frampton The Milford Haven waterway30GeneralSummer 1994
John CobbThe naming of SOLWAY LASS51GeneralAutumn 1999
Colin Flood The National Coast watch Institution53GeneralSpring 2000
J M. & J de Jonge The North Frisian Islands42GeneralSummer 1997
E & J Hertzberger The oldest Drascombe in single ownership?45GeneralSpring 1998
Tom Richardson The oldest Lugger in original ownership?43GeneralAutumn 1997
John BadenThe Other Side95Rally & Cruise ReportsAutumn 2010
Stewart BrownThe outboard imp strikes43GeneralAutumn 1997
Jenny YatesThe perfect weekend47GeneralAutumn 1998
Shaun Trewinnard The Printer's Predicament52GeneralWinter 1999
Jenny Smith The Return of the KATHLEEN & MAY59GeneralAutumn 2001
Peter Tiplady The Rule of the Road37GeneralSpring 1996
John BadenThe Solent seen afresh11GeneralAutumn 1989
Roger ClarkThe Summer cruise 47GeneralAutumn 1998
Peter Tiplady The Tall Ships Rally, Southampton Water, April 200055GeneralAutumn 2000
David ArmstrongThe ubiquitous Lugger55GeneralAutumn 2000
Bill Dibb The United Arab Emirates coastline in a Lugger70GeneralSummer 2004
Desmond BrownThe Unthinkable52GeneralWinter 1999
Jeremy Russell The Variety of East Anglia72GeneralWinter 2004
Bob Heasman The Year in Scotland (2004)72GeneralWinter 2004
VariousThe Young Drascombers' Page70GeneralSummer 2004
Malcolm Ridley Theft of a Lugger39GeneralAutumn 1996
Jeremy Russell Thoughts on an anchor27GeneralAutumn 1993
Mike Wells Thoughts on Safety at Sea78GeneralSummer 2006
Webb ChilesThoughts on the CHIDIOCK voyages12GeneralWinter 1989
Ingrid Holford Three Cheers for the Admirals75GeneralAutumn 2005
Joe IlliffeTidal Theory87TechnicalAutumn 2008
Joe IlliffeTidal Theory: comments88TechnicalWinter 2008
Don JarrettTide Chart - simple34TechnicalSummer 1995
Tighnabruaich 2003 69Rally & Cruise ReportsSpring 2004
Nigel OrrTo be or Not to be15GeneralAutumn 1990
Bruce LevellTo Kent 40GeneralWinter 1996
Steve Herwin To launch a Longboat27GeneralAutumn 1993
Jim HopwoodTo Ushant and Back95Rally & Cruise ReportsAutumn 2010
Persephone LewinToast of the river42GeneralSummer 1997
Peter TipladyTop of the Range94Book ReviewSummer 2010
Towing weights19TechnicalAutumn 1991
Chris BishopTrailer problems87TechnicalAutumn 2008
Trailer tyres40TechnicalWinter 1996
Derek MurchTrailers & their use, more on15TechnicalAutumn 1990
Mel DanielsTrailers? have you heard the one about ..14TechnicalSummer 1990
Tim FramptonTrailing Drascombes Abroad70TechnicalSummer 2004
P & E Tiplady Transport of Delights29GeneralSpring 1994
Tim EllisTravels with LADY BUG59GeneralAutumn 2001
Jeremy Russell TRINITY21GeneralSpring 1992
Quentin Johnson Trip up the Thames in a Longboat60GeneralWinter 2001
Rick AtkinsonTUMULT40GeneralWinter 1996
John ElliottTwitching at Dale41GeneralSpring 1997
Peter BaxterTwo Archipelagos & Two OAPs [serialized]62GeneralSummer 2002
Peter BaxterTwo Archipelagos & Two OAPs [serialized]63GeneralAutumn 2002
Peter BaxterTwo Archipelagos & Two OAPs [serialized]64GeneralWinter 2002
Dave OakleyTwo Boats on the Cleddau95Rally & Cruise ReportsAutumn 2010
Jean Louis Grenier Two Drascombes to Corsica29GeneralSpring 1994
John Deane Two months in Ireland18GeneralSummer 1991
Peter Irving Two timing your Mistress44GeneralWinter 1997
Ullswater 2000 55Rally & Cruise ReportsAutumn 2000
Ullswater 2002 63Rally & Cruise ReportsAutumn 2002
Ullswater 2009 OGA rally 92Rally & Cruise ReportsWinter 2009
Tom Colville Unravelled...the "mouse’s" tail (the website forum)90GeneralSummer 2009
Tom Colville Unravelled...the "mouse’s" tail (the website forum)85GeneralSpring 2008
Tom Colville Unravelled...the "mouse’s" tail (the website forum)91GeneralAutumn 2009
Tom Colville Unravelled...the Mouse's Tale92GeneralWinter 2009
Tom Richardson Up the Ourcq without a sail49GeneralSpring 1999
Robin Rew Ups & Downs13GeneralSpring 1990
Charles Willoughby Upside-down Coaster, a cautionary tale91GeneralAutumn 2009
Raymond WerganVarnish my love hate relationship24TechnicalWinter 1992
Varnish Scraper69TechnicalSpring 2004
Steve SchlemmerVarnishing Spars75TechnicalAutumn 2005
Andy CooperVenice 2009 93Rally & Cruise ReportsSpring 2010
Andy CooperVenice/Croatia 2009 (part 2)94Rally & Cruise ReportsSummer 2010
Doug Hopwood Venison Hash93GeneralSpring 2010
VHF model review63TechnicalAutumn 2002
Marilyn BannonVisiting Dartmouth, Devon58GeneralSummer 2001
Marilyn BannonVisiting Falmouth, Cornwall59GeneralAutumn 2001
Wadenzee, Netherlands 1991 19Rally & Cruise ReportsAutumn 1991
Wadenzee, Netherlands 1992 25Rally & Cruise ReportsSpring 1993
Wadenzee, Netherlands 2001 60Rally & Cruise ReportsWinter 2001
Wadenzee, Netherlands 2009 91Rally & Cruise ReportsAutumn 2009
H Vandersmissen Wadverhalen Yarns of the Sand29GeneralSpring 1994
Stewart BaggsWe bought a boat in Greece43GeneralAutumn 1997
Steve Schlemmer We don't normally allow this sort of thing17GeneralSpring 1991
Mike Wells We sailed to the East Coast rally24GeneralWinter 1992
Ingrid HolfordWeather Lore74TechnicalSummer 2005
Richard GoldsmithWeight of your boat - Calculate68TechnicalWinter 2003
Ole HelgersonWelcome to my Patch - Oregon95GeneralAutumn 2010
Wells 2003 68Rally & Cruise ReportsWinter 2003
Wells 2009 91Rally & Cruise ReportsAutumn 2009
West Country cruise 1998 49Rally & Cruise ReportsSpring 1999
West Country cruise 1999 51Rally & Cruise ReportsAutumn 1999
Lynne BarnesWest Country Cruising Companion96Book ReviewWinter 2010
Tom Ward Western Ardnamurchan Regatta8General
Weymouth 1994 32Rally & Cruise ReportsWinter 1994
Weymouth 1996 40Rally & Cruise ReportsWinter 1996
Jim Hopwood Weymouth Cruise41GeneralSpring 1997
Kate Russel What a Day on the Silvery Tay!60GeneralWinter 2001
Jeremy Russell What a difference an engine makes30GeneralSummer 1994
Jim Hopwood What is it about Drascombes?55GeneralAutumn 2000
Luke ChurchouseWhat’s in a Name? (Drascombe designs)84GeneralWinter 2007
Peter Irving What’s Yours Called, You Traitor59GeneralAutumn 2001
Garth Holford When is a knot not a knot?43GeneralAutumn 1997
Steve Schlemmer Where in the World have you been?41GeneralSpring 1997
Steve Schlemmer Where in the World have you been?46GeneralSummer 1998
Steve Schlemmer Where in the World have you been?45GeneralSpring 1998
Steve Schlemmer Where in the World have you been?40GeneralWinter 1996
Steve Schlemmer Where in the World have you been?44GeneralWinter 1997
Steve Schlemmer Where in the World have you been?43GeneralAutumn 1997
Steve Schlemmer Where in the World have you been?42GeneralSummer 1997
Raymond WerganWhere's the belly timber in these Drascombes?25GeneralSpring 1993
Hugh Davies Why not use the oars more often?8General
Peter WilliamsWindermere Registration Scheme changes77GeneralSpring 2006
John CobbWinter migration52GeneralWinter 1999
Doug ElliottWooden Boats – Building a Wooden Lugger90TechnicalSummer 2009
Doug ElliottWooden Boats – Design Evolution91TechnicalAutumn 2009
Douglas ElliottWooden Boats – Laminating Wood93TechnicalSpring 2010
Colin WattWooden Boats – The Restoration of Otter92TechnicalWinter 2009